The Philosophy of Matter from Descartes to Hume
The Philosophy of Matter from Descartes to Hume
Edited by
Dana Jalobeanu and Peter Anstey
I Cartesian Matter
1. The Vanishing Nature of Body in Descartes’s Natural Philosophy
Mihea Dobre
2. The New Matter Theory and Its Epistemology: Descartes (and Late Scholastics) on Hypotheses and Moral Certainty
Roger Ariew
3. Descartes on subsisting forms and metaphysical hylomorphism
Lucian Petrescu
II Matter mid-century: Cartesianism, Corpuscularianism & Atomism
4. But was there a mechanical philosophy besides Descartes’?
Christoph Lüthy
5. The matter of medicine: new medical matter theories in mid-seventeenth-century England
Peter Anstey
6. Vlad Alexandrescu
III Matter vanishing: Newton
7. On composite systems: Descartes, Newton, and the law-constitutive approach
Katherine Brading
8. Huygens, Wren, Wallis, and Newton on Rules of Impact and Reflection
William Harper
Eric Schliesser
IV Matter gone: Leibniz and Beyond
10. Leibniz, body and monads
Daniel Garber
11. Leibniz on void and matter
Sorin Costreie
12. Hume on the distinction between primary and secondary qualities
Jani Hakkarainen