Scientific utopianism
20 April-20 May
Dana Jalobeanu:
Solomon’s Houses: Reading New Atlantis in seventeenth century
Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis had a very interesting career in the seventeenth century. Widely read and quoted, it had also inaugurating a style of thinking about the proper way of producing and disseminating knowledge. Partisans of the “new philosophy”, members of the Royal Society or the Royal College of Physicians in
Moreover, New Atlantis was not only read and emulated, but was also continued or rewritten during 17th century, in England or in France. Such rewritings, although interesting in themselves, gain weight and depth when read in the proper context: as various shapes/types of a general plan for the reformation of human beings and society, a plan for which Bacon’s college/brotherhood provided the blueprint.
My project aims at studying comparatively such readings and rewritings of New Atlantis, showing in what way the differences between them might be seen as relating to their different agendas: scientific, political or religious. I will focus especially on the impact of Solomon’s House as a model for various intellectual communities of scientists and philosophers, looking for the impact such rewritings have among their potential readers.